Acts of the Apostles -- Study Guide


Lesson 24

Reading: The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 485-513; 1 and 2 Timothy

1. Identify the two problems that Paul faced as he neared the end of his second year of confinement in Rome (485:1, 2).
AA-SG 52.1

2. Describe the nature of Paul’s ministry after his release (487:3-488:1).
AA-SG 52.2

3. Upon what pretext was Paul arrested the second time (489:1)?
AA-SG 52.3

4. Who stood by the imprisoned apostle, and what happened to the rest of his team (490:1-491:2)?
AA-SG 52.4

5. On what did Paul focus as he defended himself at his second trial (494:3-495:1)?
AA-SG 52.5

6. What effect did Paul’s defense have on Nero (496:1, 2)?
AA-SG 52.6

7. What finally happened to Nero (496:3-497:1)?
AA-SG 52.7

8. In the last letter Paul ever wrote, what was his advice to Timothy (498:1-501:0)?
AA-SG 52.8

9. What counsel can a minister in God’s church today glean from Paul’s words to Timothy (501:1-502:2)?
AA-SG 52.9

10. How is sin in the church to be handled (502:3-504:1)?
AA-SG 53.1

11. When Paul spoke about those who would not endure sound doctrine, to whom does Ellen White say he is referring (504:2-505:0)?
AA-SG 53.2

12. What is the best way to counter the growing contempt for God’s law (506:1, 2)?
AA-SG 53.3

13. What qualities are needed by church workers today (506:3-507:2)?
AA-SG 53.4

14. Why did Nero put off Paul’s execution (509:1)?
AA-SG 53.5

15. What good resulted from Paul’s execution (509:2-510:1)?
AA-SG 53.6

16. During the final moments of his life, of whom was Paul thinking (510:2-511:1)?
AA-SG 53.7

17. As far as Paul himself was concerned, upon what did his thoughts dwell (511:2-513:0)?
AA-SG 53.8

Thought Question: How can God’s people prepare for difficult times ahead?

AA-SG 53.9