Acts of the Apostles -- Study Guide


Lesson 22

Reading: The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 439-68; Acts 27:1-28:31; Philemon

1. Who were Paul’s companions during his trip to Rome (439:1-440:0)?
AA-SG 47.1

2. What was the burden of Paul’s heart as the ship was ravaged by the storm (442:1, 2)?
AA-SG 47.2

3. How close did Paul come to not reaching Rome (445:1)?
AA-SG 47.3

4. What type of ministry did Paul carry on while on Melita (Acts 28:7-10)?
AA-SG 47.4

5. Describe Paul’s outlook as he began the 140-mile trip from Puteoli to Rome (448:1, 2).
AA-SG 47.5

6. How was Paul’s heart cheered as he progressed toward Rome (448:3-449:1)?
AA-SG 47.6

7. Who were the first to whom Paul presented Christ upon arriving in Rome (450:1-452:1)?
AA-SG 47.7

8. From Paul’s approach to the Jews in Rome, what practical lessons can we learn about the presentation of the gospel (450:2-452:2)?
AA-SG 47.8

9. Who were some of Paul’s companions during his imprisonment in Rome (454:2-455:0)?
AA-SG 47.9

10. At this point in Paul’s life, what do we know about Mark (455:1)?
AA-SG 48.1

11. What are the principles of the gospel that are contained in the relationship between Paul, Onesimus, and Philemon (456:1-459:0).
AA-SG 48.2

12. What effect should Christianity have upon the political and social systems in our society (459:3-460:1)?
AA-SG 48.3

13. Why does the gospel have its greatest success among the humbler classes? Is this true today (461:1)?
AA-SG 48.4

14. What was the moral condition of Nero and those who attended him in his court (461:3-463:0)?
AA-SG 48.5

15. By what means did the message of the gospel take root in Caesar’s household (463:1-464:3)?
AA-SG 48.6

16. What lessons can Christians today learn from the spread of the gospel into the household of Nero (465:1-466:0)?
AA-SG 48.7

17. What testimony do the believers in Nero’s household bear to Seventh-day Adventists who cluster together in one center (466:1-467:0)?
AA-SG 48.8

18. What characteristics will those possess who take opportunity to witness for God (467:1, 2)?
AA-SG 48.9

19. How is Christian character developed (467:3-468:0)?
AA-SG 49.1

Thought Question: How would you have dealt with Onesimus?

AA-SG 49.2