Christian Service -- Study Guide


Lesson 1 - God’s Call To Service

Christian Service, pp. 7-34; 64-66
ChS-SG 5.1

“As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” John 17:18.
ChS-SG 5.2

Fill in the missing word or words or answer the questions in the appropriate blanks. The numbers at the end of each question indicate where the answers are found.
ChS-SG 5.3

1. Christ has given His life” ______________ a church capable of _________________________________, the ________________, and the ______________.” (P.13, par. 4.) ChS-SG 5.4

2. Whom has He chosen to do this work? (P. 7, par. 1.) _________________________________________________________________________________ ChS-SG 5.5

3. “___________ could have proclaimed His truth through ____________, but this is not His plan. He chooses ________, ____________ compassed with infirmity, as instruments in the working out of His designs.” (P. 7, par. 5.) ChS-SG 5.6

4. Give the reason humanity is needed, in combination with divinity, for the work of bringing salvation to the world. (P. 8, par. 4.) _______________________________________________________ ChS-SG 5.7

5. “God _________________________________________ without human agencies.” (P. 9, par. 2.) ChS-SG 5.8

6. “_______________________ should be the life work of everyone who professes Christ.” (P. 10, par. i.) ChS-SG 5.9

7. Each one of us has a Heaven-assigned work to do, which no one can do in our place. Prove this statement with two references.
a. __________________________________________ (P. 9, par. 3.)
b. _________________________________________ (P. 10, par. 4.)
ChS-SG 5.10

8. What happens when we leave the work of benevolence to organizations? (P. 10, par. 2.)
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
ChS-SG 5.11

9. “Every individual, from the lowest and most obscure to the greatest and most exalted, is a ___________________ for which he is ______________________.” (P. 13, par. 2.) ChS-SG 5.12

10. What part is the church to play in carrying forward the work of God? (P. 14, par. 2; p. 15, par. 1.) ____________________________________________________________________________ ChS-SG 5.13

11. “Enfeebled and defective’ as it may appear, ___________________ is the one object upon which God bestows in a special sense __________________________________.” (P. 13, par. 5.) ChS-SG 6.1

12. We are to “acknowledge His grace as made known through the holy men of old,” but what will be “most effectual”? (P. 16, par. 3.) _______________________________________________________ ChS-SG 6.2

13. What does each of us have that is different from what anyone else in the world has? (P. 16, par. 3.) _______________________________________________________________________________ ChS-SG 6.3

14. In what three respects is our witness to be like that of the first missionaries whom Christ sent to Decapolis? (P. 17, par. 2.)
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
ChS-SG 6.4

15. Each one of us has three gifts, given to us of God, that are to be used in winning souls to Christ.
They are:
a. ______________,
b. ______________, and
c. ____________________. (P. 19, par. 3.)
ChS-SG 6.5

16. For Christ we are to be:
a. Consecrated” _____________ of light” (p 18, pars. 1​,);
b. “a living ______________” (p. 19, par. 1);
c. Christ’s” _____________ upon earth” (p. 19, par. 4);
d. “_________ in the world” (p 20, par 3);
e. “Instruments of __________________, ____________, _____________ stones, emitting light” (p. 20, par 4); “Every soul is to be ____________ and _____________” (p 21, par. 5).
ChS-SG 6.6

17. If we fail “to give light to others,” we will be “____________ to God.” (P. 21, par. 3.) ChS-SG 6.7

18. What will working for Christ do for our own souls? (P. 22, par. 1.) ChS-SG 6.8

19. Our divine commission is: a. “to be a __________”(P. 22, par 4); and b. “to proclaim __________________”(P 23, par. 3) “to every ___________, ___________, ___________, and the tidings of _________ through Christ.” (P. 23, par. 3.) ChS-SG 6.9

20. What is the “most powerful argument” for Christianity? (P 26, par. 1.) ________________________________________________________ ChS-SG 6.10

21. Who can do a work “that will exceed that of men,” and why? (P. 27, par. 2.) _________________________________________ ChS-SG 6.11

22. “With such an army of workers as ________________, ______________, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to _____________!” (P. 30, par. 2.) ChS-SG 7.1

23. Youthful workers must” ______________ to God” They must be “_________________________, and led to see that He ____________________ something to ______________________.” They must be taught how to _______________ for the Master. They must be ___________, ___________, ________ in the best method of winning souls to Christ.” (P. 30, par. 5.) ChS-SG 7.2

24. What group of people are youth best qualified to work for? (P. 33, par. 2.) _________________________________________________ ChS-SG 7.3

25. While they are in training for their life work, students in schools should take “time to do _________________ time to become ____________ with the _______________ of the families in the community around them.” (P. 64, par. 5.) ChS-SG 7.4