The Adventist Home -- Study Guide


Answers to Section IX

1. Father, mother, children.
2. Husband.
3. The “house-band” (of the home treasures).
4. Love, sympathy, aid in training the children.
5. For support and guidance.
6. a. False.
b. True.
c. False.
7. a, b, c, f, g.
8. a. (2). b. (3). c. (1).
9. By the use of kind, cheerful. and encouraging words.
10. They are robbed of the vital force and of the mental elasticity and cheerful buoyancy they should inherit.
11. Special, above.
12. Indulgent.
13. a. False.
b. True.
c. True.
14. Neglect of paternal duty, criticism, dictatorial manner, fretfulness and querulousness, moroseness, censuring spirit, too high opinion of self.
15. Love, forbearance, refinement, Christian courtesy, affection, sympathy, kindness, tenderness, constancy, faithfulness, compassion.
AH-SG 66.1