The Adventist Home -- Study Guide


Answers to Section VIII

1. Secrets belong to each other—no one else.
2. Not to disagree.
3. d. but also a need of c.
4. Draw a large circle. From its edge draw many lines all running to the center.
5. Utmost.
6. Low, calm.
7. The family.
8. Parents.
9. Respect, obedience, reverence, self-control.
10. Satan.
11. Home training.
12. Home.
13. Parents.
14. Companions.
15. Yes.
16. The evenings.
17. Money, love.
18. Love, frowns.
19. To be pleasant, to speak kindly.
20. To let them see the father offering kindly attentions to the mother, and the mother rendering respect and reverence to the father.
21. Sow the good seed, pull out the unsightly weeds.
22. Wrong principles are allowed to grow.
23. Evil.
24. Of laying her burden at the feet of a sympathizing Saviour.
25. Angels.
26. The Holy Spirit.
AH-SG 65.1