The Adventist Home -- Study Guide
Section VI — The new home
Date__________ AH-SG 19.1
A. Read pages 131-156. AH-SG 19.2
B. Check your knowledge: AH-SG 19.3
1. What is the first consideration in choosing a home? (131:1.)
AH-SG 19.4
2. What should you be able to see from your home? (132:0.)
AH-SG 19.5
3. What pattern for a home has been given us in the Scriptures? (132:1.)
AH-SG 19.6
4. What pleasure is in the reach of all? (132:1.)
AH-SG 19.7
5. What kind of home did each family have in the Promised Land? (133:1.)
AH-SG 19.8
6. Name some of the conditions in the earthly home of the child Jesus. (133:0.)
AH-SG 19.9
7. Name some men who filled positions of trust and responsibility in the Bible story who were brought up in peaceful, natural surroundings. (133, 134.)
AH-SG 19.10
8. Complete: “Life in the cities is ______________ and __________________.” (135:1.) AH-SG 19.11
9. Complete: “The time is near when _____________________ will be swept away.” (136:5.) AH-SG 19.12
10. Complete: “Better sacrifice any and every worldly consideration than to _____________________ the precious souls com-mitted to your care.” (138:2.) AH-SG 19.13
11. Complete: “To parents He sends the warning cry: Gather your children into your own houses; gather them away from those who are disregarding the commandments of God, who are teaching and practicing evil. Get out of the ____________________________ as fast as possible.” (139:5.) AH-SG 19.14
12. How can parents “close the door against a flood of temptations” that threaten their children? (141:5.)
AH-SG 19.15
13. Why do many farmers fail? (142:2.)
AH-SG 19.16
14. In building a home and planning the rooms, what should be provided for? (148:1.)
AH-SG 19.17
15. What should the country dweller endeavor to place around his house? (150:1.)
AH-SG 19.18
16. What rules should govern the furnishing of the home?(150:3, 4.)
AH-SG 19.19
17. What mistake should be avoided in furnishing the home? (151:1, 2.)
AH-SG 20.1
C. Rate the location of your home. AH-SG 20.2
Ideal_________ Convenient_______ Poor__________ “Sodom” __________ AH-SG 20.3
1. What is ideal about your location? ________________________________________________________________________ AH-SG 20.4
2. What is the worst thing about it? __________________________________________________________________________ AH-SG 20.5
D. Discuss with others: AH-SG 20.6
1. What principle should guide in selecting the location for a home? (131:4.)
AH-SG 20.7
2. Which is more important, the welfare of the child or the convenience of the parents?
AH-SG 20.8
3. How can we best copy the pattern given us at creation of the ideal home? (132:1.)
AH-SG 20.9
4. Should all Seventh-day Adventists leave the large cities?
AH-SG 20.10
5. Who especially are affected by the evils of city life? (136:2, 3.)
AH-SG 20.11
6. Why are parents called kings and queens? (141:2.)
AH-SG 20.12
7. What employment can we give our young people who must live in the cities? Should the church sponsor this? AH-SG 20.13
8. Which is more productive of spiritual growth, a week of prayer or a work program? AH-SG 20.14
9. What is the relationship between agriculture and character? (142, 143.)
AH-SG 20.15
10. Contrast the two homes that Sister White describes. AH-SG 20.16
E. Think on these things: AH-SG 20.17
1. Is my home in the best location for my child?
AH-SG 20.18
2. Why am I living where I am?
AH-SG 20.19
3. How are some parents offering their children to Moloch today? (137:1.)
AH-SG 20.20
4. When we move our children into places of temptation, will the Lord work a miracle to save them? (137:1.)
AH-SG 20.21
5. What “will ever be the fruit of idleness”? (138:1.)
AH-SG 20.22
6. What will God help His people to find? (140:0.)
AH-SG 21.1
7. Is my home attractive?
AH-SG 21.2
F. Name one thing you can do to improve your home environment. AH-SG 21.3