The Gift of Prophecy


Resolution on the Gift of Prophecy Through the Ministry of Ellen G. White

Voted, To adopt the Resolution on the Gift of Prophecy Through the Ministry of Ellen G. White, as follows: GOP 408.4

Resolution on the Gift of Prophecy Through the Ministry of Ellen G. White GOP 408.5

For more than six thousand years the cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan has raged throughout the universe. By both human and supernatural means Satan has continued the conflict that began in heaven millenniums ago. Consumed by hatred toward Christ, he has confused the vast majority of earth’s population concerning the nature of God. Instead of showing Him to be a God of love whose law is a transcript of His character, Satan has caricatured Him in a variety of ways, including as a tyrant who demands an impossible level of obedience and an indulgent Deity who cares little whether His law is obeyed. GOP 408.6

Throughout past centuries God has endeavored to set forth the truth about Himself. Through patriarchs and prophets, through nature and written revelation, through human experience and divine providences He has countered Satan’s deceptions and distortions. Ultimately, He sent His only begotten Son into the world that through His life, ministry, and death the world could see that God is love and would be drawn to Him. GOP 408.7

Almost two millenniums have passed since Jesus returned to heaven. All the great time prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled. The final conflict in the controversy between righteousness and sin is rapidly approaching. “Intensity is taking possession of every earthly element” (The Desire of Ages, p. 257). GOP 409.1

In light of these considerations, GOP 409.2

1. We express thanks to God for the instruction, counsel, warnings, and reproofs that, in His mercy, He has given us through the writings of Ellen G. White and we desire to show our appreciation for these messages by humbling our hearts before Him and letting these messages bear full fruit in our lives. GOP 409.3

2. We urge that efforts be intensified to inform all church members, especially the youth and those new to our faith, concerning the role and value of this gift in the experience of Seventh-day Adventists. We also encourage increased circulation of the Ellen G. White books as well as concerted study programs throughout the world utilizing those Ellen G. White books available to our members. GOP 409.4

3. We urge church administrators, pastors, educators, and lay leaders, by precept and example, to encourage all our people to study and follow the practical instruction and principles for daily living contained in these inspired counsels. GOP 409.5

4. We urge all church administrators, including those of educational and health-care institutions, to give careful heed to the inspired counsels given to Seventh-day Adventists through the writings of Ellen G. White. GOP 409.6

5. We encourage every church to conduct an annual Spirit of Prophecy Day, and we urge schools to conduct a yearly Adventist Heritage Week. GOP 409.7

In order to make Ellen G. White’s published writings more available to the church, GOP 409.8

1. We recommend the continuation and promotion of special purchase incentives for denominational employees to acquire Ellen G. White’s published writings, as well as the continuation of offering to members the lowest possible prices for these “message-filled” books at camp meetings and other special times. GOP 409.9

2. We encourage the church’s publishing houses and Adventist Book Centers to feature Ellen G. White’s books prominently in their advertisements and displays. GOP 409.10

3. We express appreciation to the world divisions and their publishing houses for the 237 translations of Ellen G. White books authorized during the past quinquennium, and call upon the divisions of the church to continue availing themselves of the subsidies available from the General Conference for translating the Ellen G. White books into local languages. Further, we encourage making use of approved, innovative, and inexpensive methods, including electronic format, to reach that objective. GOP 409.11

4. We encourage our publishing houses, where feasible, to translate the landmark volume, Messenger of the Lord, and we urge church members and employees to read the volume and take particular note “of the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history” (Life Sketches, p. 196). GOP 409.12

In recognition of recent activities of the Ellen G. White Estate, GOP 409.13

We express appreciation to the Ellen G. White Estate for its CD-ROM products, including the recently released interactive CD-ROM, Legacy of Light. We also express appreciation for its efforts to provide Ellen G. White’s published writings, plus pertinent and accurate information regarding those writings and her ministry, through its official Web site. We urge that the Web site’s information be provided in languages other than English, and that it be kept current regarding issues of interest and concern to church members. 26 GOP 410.1