The Gift of Prophecy


Resolution on Spirit of Prophecy—1990 General Conference Session

Voted, To approve the statement Resolution on Spirit of Prophecy—1990 General Conference Session as follows: GOP 406.8

Ever since 1867, resolutions of gratitude to God for the rich spiritual gifts that He has bestowed on His church have been voted at General Conference sessions. Among the leading gifts for which the church has given thanks has been His Inspired Word. Today, when Satan is seeking to deceive, if possible, even “the very elect,” we give continued thanks to God for the guidance given to us through Him in the Holy Scriptures. The “sure word of prophecy” is indeed “a light that shineth in a dark place” (2 Peter 1:19). GOP 406.9

“In His Word, God has committed to men the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are to be accepted as an authoritative, infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the revealer of doctrines, and the test of experience” (The Great Controversy, p. vii). GOP 406.10

We are grateful to God not only for giving us the Holy Scriptures but also for giving us the last-day manifestation of the gift of prophecy in the life and work of Ellen G. White. Her inspired writings have been invaluable to the church throughout the world in countless ways—exalting the Bible as the inspired word of God; encouraging Bible study; establishing the faith of God’s people in its promises; promoting a spirit of devotion and sacrifice; aiding in the development and organization of an international body of believers; expanding world outreach; providing guiding principles for the operation of publishing, medical, and educational institutions; and guarding and unifying the church. GOP 406.11

Above all, her writings point to Christ’s great sacrifice on the cross, which leads people to become citizens of the kingdom of grace that His atonement has made possible and which prepares them to meet the Saviour in peace at His second advent. As a result of the blessings that have accrued when we have followed inspired counsel, we have learned how wise and practical is the instruction that has come to us through inspiration. GOP 407.1

Now we have reached a most interesting and significant moment in history when much of the counsel on health, temperance, and other topics given us long ago has been supported by science and become popular with the general public. This challenges us to renewed study of and fuller appreciation for the extensive body of counsel entrusted by God to the remnant church. We believe the time is here to take the fullest advantage of this inestimable treasure of truth given for our guidance. GOP 407.2

In the past, General Conferences in session have voted recommendations that urged wider translation, distribution, and use of the writings of Ellen G. White. We, the delegates to the fifty-fifth General Conference session, wish to affirm and give added emphasis to these recommendations. But, more important, we reaffirm our acceptance of this counsel from God and commit ourselves to live by the principles contained in it. We pray that God will pour out His Holy Spirit in latter-rain power on the church, thus hastening the glorious day of our Lord’s return. 24 GOP 407.3