The Gift of Prophecy


“Testimonies for the Church”

Whereas, The church is today facing the perils of the last days, days especially marked by the deceptions and delusions of the enemy of souls; and, GOP 393.3

Whereas, The Lord has, through the Spirit of prophecy, sent to the remnant church messages that clearly reveal the snares and delusions that endanger spiritual life; and, GOP 393.4

Whereas, These messages uphold the high standard of Christian living in these days of apostasy and prevailing iniquity, and magnify the importance of Bible study, prayer, Christian service, and faith in Christ, thus tending to fortify the soul against specious temptation and delusion; and, Whereas, With the passing of the years, the death of the pioneer workers, and the accession of thousands of new believers, there is danger that, like Israel of old, we shall forget the providential way in which the Lord has and instructed us; therefore, GOP 393.5

We recommend, That all workers in every branch of denominational activity give special emphasis to the importance of individual study of, and obedience to, the instruction in the writings of the Spirit of prophecy, as a vital factor in the preparation of heart for the impending crisis before the world and the church, for more efficient preparation for soul-saving service, and for a preparation for the coming of our Lord. We further, GOP 393.6

Recommend, That while encouraging the circulation of the E. G. White books generally, every possible effort be put forth to make available,to our people who do not already have them in their homes, the counsels and admonitions especially addressed to church members: GOP 393.7

1. By urging the securing and faithful study of the instruction to workers and church members in the nine-volume set of “Testimonies of the Church.” GOP 393.8

2. By calling special attention of our church members to the recently published “Selections From the Testimonies,” issued in three books, to bring within the easy reach of all in inexpensive form those portions of the “Testimonies” most essential to each church member in fitting him for daily living and Christian service. GOP 394.1

3. By calling the special attention of our non-English-reading church members to the books of the Spirit of prophecy to be obtained in the various languages. 15 GOP 394.2