The Gift of Prophecy



Whereas, Our past experience has fully proved that our prosperity as a people is always in proportion to the degree of confidence we cherish in the work of the spirit of prophecy in our midst; and GOP 390.6

Whereas, The most bitter opposition we have to meet is aimed against this work, showing that our enemies realize its importance, whether we do or not; and GOP 390.7

Whereas, We have found that the most effectual way to meet and disarm this opposition was either to secure the personal labors of the one through whom we believe that the Lord has spoken, or to freely circulate her writings, and GOP 390.8

Whereas, Great light has shone upon us through this channel, which not only our own people greatly need, but which would be a blessing to the world, remove prejudice, and break the force of the bitter attacks of the enemies of the truth; therefore GOP 391.1

Resolved, That we urge upon our ministers and tract societies the importance of making earnest efforts to extend the circulation of the volumes of the Spirit of Prophecy and the Testimonies to the Church among our own people, till these shall be in every family of believers. GOP 391.2

Resolved, That we recommend the Publishing Association to issue, in attractive form such of her writings as would be of general interest to the reading public who are not of our faith, to be placed in public libraries, reading rooms, on shipboard, etc., by canvassers and T. and M. workers, where they, as well as our other standard works, may be accessible to the people. GOP 391.3

Resolved, That we recommend the Publishing Association to issue in as cheap a form as consistent, the matter substantially contained in volume two of Spiritual Gifts, concerning the early life and labors of Sister White, in connection with the rise and progress of this work, for the special use of our ministers in new fields, and among those first becoming acquainted with her connection with this cause. And we further recommend the publication of a small edition of her earliest writings, now out of print, to bring all her writings within reach of those anxious to obtain them. GOP 391.4

Resolved, That we consider it to be the duty of all our ministers to teach the Scriptural view of the gift of prophecy among our brethren everywhere, and the relation it sustains to the work of God in which we are engaged. GOP 391.5

Resolved, That we advise that efforts be made to complete the raising of the fund of $5,000 voted at the last annual session of the Conference for the purpose of increasing the circulation of these writings; said fund to be used in placing them in public libraries, reading-rooms, and other locations where they will be open to the reading public, and in such of the families of the very poor as the officers of the T. and M. Society decide should have them. 8 GOP 391.6