The Gift of Prophecy



Can this generation connect with Ellen White and her writings? Can the disparity and distance between them and her become negligible? It is the conclusion of this paper that the answer is yes. But it is a qualified yes. Our mission to connect with this generation must include the proviso that some methodologies will have to change. There is more truth than poetry to the quip “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” GOP 382.2

Given this generation’s propensity for and familiarity with a great-controversy-like metanarrative, given their penchant for the metaphysical of spirituality over organized religion, given their preference for highly graphic and high-interactive media over “old-fashioned” textbook-style reading—it is imperative that the third millennial church embrace a third millennial contextualization in our quest to introduce millennials to this woman and her writings that can lead them to Jesus. Many of us are convinced there is no writer more Christocentric and more divinely positioned to connect with this generation than the woman whose writings we still call a manifestation of the Spirit of Prophecy. It is high time we invite an entire generation to “taste them again for the first time.” GOP 382.3