The Gift of Prophecy



There are many hermeneutical or interpretative principles that are important for understanding Ellen White’s writings. As important as these various interpretative principles are, the foundational hermeneutic on which all the others are built are Ellen White’s orientation toward the gospel that reveals the paternal love of God in Jesus and her orientation toward Scripture. If these two principles are correctly understood and integrated, then everything else will fall into proper place. When reading and presenting Ellen White or her writings, we must always give emphasis to the love of God in Jesus and the focus of her writings toward the Bible. If we do this, we will be faithful both to her intention and to God’s intention. To neglect this foundation is dangerous and will usually lead people to misinterpret her writings and will inevitably diminish her influence and the power of God’s revelation. GOP 287.3

If it is true that Jesus gave His own testimony through the prophetic gift as explained by John in Revelation, then it is imperative that we listen. The “testimony of Jesus” brings us redemption and His loving guidance in a world broken by sin and suffering. Could it be that Jesus has provided in the writings of Ellen White a help that can ensure that Seventh-day Adventists are truly a people of the Book? Could it be that by reading her writings we will be drawn to Jesus and our loving God and receive insights that will transform our lives? Millions have had this experience, but the proof is in the act of reading her writings and connecting with the Bible in a living dynamic process of faith and action. GOP 287.4