101 Questions - About Ellen White and Her Writings


Question 52: Will the young children of believing parents be saved? (“Concerning Babies Who Died at a Very Early Age”)

Please help me find quotes from Ellen G. White’s writings about concerning babies who die at a very early age. I’m wondering where she has written that the faith of parents covers their children so if a child dies say at age three or six, the child will be saved. 101Q 121.1

I don’t know of a statement that specifies an age for the child who has died. As far as I know, this is indeterminate in Mrs. White’s writings. But here are some statements that speak to the basic issue: 101Q 121.2

The Life-giver is coming. . . . He bursts the bands of death, breaks the fetters of the tomb, the precious captives come forth in health and immortal beauty. 101Q 121.3

As the little infants come forth immortal from their dusty beds, they immediately wing their way to their mothers’ arms. They meet again nevermore to part. But many of the little ones have no mother there. We listen in vain for the rapturous song of triumph from the mother. The angels receive the motherless infants and conduct them to the tree of life.—The Youth’s Instructor, April, 1858 (Selected Messages, 2:260). 101Q 121.4

You inquire in regard to your little one being saved. Christ’s words are your answer: “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Remember the prophecy, “Thus saith the Lord: A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted. . . . Thus saith the Lord: Refrain thy voice from weeping and thine eyes from tears; for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to thine own border.” 101Q 121.5

This promise is yours. You may be comforted and trust in the Lord. The Lord has often instructed me that many little ones are to be laid away before the time of trouble. We shall see our children again. We shall meet them and know them in the heavenly courts (Child Guidance, 565, 566). 101Q 121.6

I know that some questioned whether the little children of even believing parents should be saved, because they have had no test of character and all must be tested and their character determined by trial. The question is asked, “How can little children have this test and trial?” I answer that the faith of the believing parents covers the children, as when God sent His judgments upon the first-born of the Egyptians. . . . 101Q 122.1

Christ blessed the children brought to Him by the faithful mothers. He will do this now if mothers will do their duty to their children and teach their children and educate them in obedience and submission. Then they will bear the test and will be obedient to the will of God, for parents stand in the place of God to their children (Selected Messages, 3:313, 314). 101Q 122.2

The parents’ course of action is determining the future welfare of their children. If they allow them to be disobedient and passionate they are allowing Satan to take them in charge and work through them as shall please his satanic majesty, and these children, never educated to obedience and to lovely traits of character, will not be taken to heaven, for the same temper and disposition would be revealed in them. 101Q 122.3

I said to Brother Matteson, “Whether all the children of unbelieving parents will be saved we cannot tell, because God has not made known His purpose in regard to this matter, and we had better leave it where God has left it and dwell upon subjects made plain in His Word” (Selected Messages, 3:315).. 101Q 122.4