101 Questions - About Ellen White and Her Writings


(“Question About Writings Being Changed [2] ”)

Is it possible to see other quotes in the original? I’m referring to the other quotes given in Evangelism: Special Testimonies, series B, number 7, pages 62, 63: “There are three living Persons of the heavenly trio”; Manuscript 66, 1899: “We need to realize that the Holy Spirit who is as much a person as God is a person is walking through these grounds”; Special Testimonies, series A, number 10, page 37 (1897): “Held in check by the power of God in the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit”; Special Testimonies, series B, number 7, page 51: “We are to cooperate with the three highest powers in heaven.” 101Q 60.1

You need to recognize the nature of what you are trying to do. Those who make such a life-and-death issue of the Trinity question must construct a conspiracy theory in order to maintain their belief. In this case, they are convinced that Elder Froom is the main conspirator who has altered Mrs. White’s writings so that one cannot believe the printed materials. It is impossible to disprove a conspiracy because those who wish to believe in it simply widen the conspiracy to include those who show them contrary evidence. In their view, it is all tainted. What cannot be wrong is their own idea. 101Q 60.2

Some of what you have asked for, of course, is published material. Special Testimonies, series B, number 7, was published in 1906 and is photoreproduced in the Series B volume published by Leaves-of-Autumn Books. I mention this because Elder Froom was born in 1890, and at the time this material was first published he was sixteen years old. It is quite clear that he didn’t alter it then, and what appears in Evangelism reflects word for word what was published in that tract in 1906. I have verified the quotations you asked about from pages 51, 62, and 63 myself, as anyone can do with the Leaves-of-Autumn reprint volume. I have also verified the quote you asked about from series A, number 10, page 37. You have quoted it exactly as it appears there. As you indicated, this was published in 1897. Elder Froom was seven years old at the time. 101Q 60.3

See also the preceding question and answer. 101Q 60.4