101 Questions - About Ellen White and Her Writings


Question 85: Can Satan read our minds? (“Can Satan Read Our Minds?”)

Can Satan read our minds? 101Q 187.1

Mrs. White wrote, 101Q 187.2

Satan cannot read our thoughts, but he can see our actions, hear our words; and from his long knowledge of the human family, he can shape his temptations to take advantage of our weak points of character. And how often do we let him into the secret of how he may obtain the victory over us. Oh, that we might control our words and actions! How strong we would become if our words were of such an order that we would not be ashamed to meet the record of them in the day of judgment. How different will they appear in the day of God from what they seem when we utter them.—Review and Herald, February 27, 1913 (Messages to Young People, 328). 101Q 187.3