Understanding Ellen White


Second advent of Christ

Adventists take their name from their belief in the imminent, visible, and literal second advent of Christ, which will then be followed by the millennium (a teaching called premillennialism). They are not the only Christians who believe in a premillennialist eschatology. Before the time of Ellen White, many believed in the second coming of Christ. She herself learned of this doctrine as a young Methodist girl, along with other members of her family, as she listened to lectures of William Miller, a Baptist lay preacher, and other early Adventist preachers. This doctrine has a solid biblical foundation and is still accepted today by numerous Christians in many denominations—though there are a variety of premillennialist interpretations. During her years of ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ellen White used her influence to reassert this doctrine among Adventists and to invite Adventists to be ready for Christ’s advent. UEGW 109.3