Understanding Ellen White


Divine correction for incorrect counsel

On rare occasions Ellen White gave incorrect counsel based upon what she had been previously shown and needed divine intervention to provide correction. It is important to note that God was always careful to correct this type of mistake with a vision. UEGW 90.4

In 1902, the newly established publishing house in Nashville, Tennessee, was steadily losing money, and A. G. Daniells, the General Conference president, talked with Ellen White about closing the operation. Ellen White had been shown in vision the importance of avoiding debt and agreed with Daniells’s proposal. Yet he reported that “a few days later, a letter was received from Mrs. White, stating that she had spoken according to her own judgment in agreement with the presentation we had made to her. She was now instructed by the Lord to tell us that she had been wrong in giving this counsel, and that the printing house in the South should not be closed. Plans must be laid to prevent further indebtedness, but we were to move forward in faith.” 24 Ellen White frankly wrote to key church leaders: “During the night following our interview in my house and out on the lawn under the trees, October 19, 1902, in regard to the work in the Southern field, the Lord instructed me that I had taken a wrong position” 25 Ellen White’s experience was like that of Nathan the prophet who counseled David to follow his heart’s desire to build the temple. “Then Nathan said unto David, Do all that is in thine heart; for God is with thee. And it came to pass the same night, that the word of God came to Nathan, saying, Go and tell David My servant, Thus saith the Lord, Thou shalt not build me an house” (1 Chron. 17:2-4). UEGW 90.5

These stories should give greater confidence in God’s leading of the church through the prophetic gift. If the prophet makes a critical mistake, God is careful to give correction. UEGW 91.1