Understanding Ellen White


Understanding what she was shown

Ellen White’s understanding on some topics unfolded over time. W. C. White recalled the following: UEGW 88.1

Some of you will remember that beautiful chapter in the last of Great Controversy in which is described the experience of God’s people who have been in dungeons and hiding places, and as they come, a voice sounds forth, “They come! They come! Holy, harmless, and undefiled.” When Mother [Ellen White] was writing the last chapters of Great Controversy, she was heard three times in the night, uttering these words as the scene was presented to her over and over. One morning she said, “Now I have got it, I know where to place it. I have found its relation.” 16 UEGW 88.2

This dynamic of unfolding understanding is clarified by understanding how Ellen White’s visions came. Most often, like Bible prophets, she was shown actual representations or pictures. These might be actual views of past, present, or future events, or they might be symbolic representations. Sometimes in vision she was given specific verbal or visual instruction by her angel guide. Literally hundreds of statements exist where Ellen White wrote “said the angel” or quoted the angel’s words. On occasion she would have a flash of insight that was more than an impression that presented a thought, a concept, or an understanding about a situation. An example would be her experience while giving a sermon in Los Angeles. She had a momentary vision or prophetic insight: “Like lightning things flashed before my mind. Several persons were presented to me as standing in a position where they greatly hindered the work that was essential for the healthful, spiritual growth of the churches.” 17 What she was shown did not have captions, and unless the angel gave her information, she could not always tell what she was seeing. However, the repetition of visions with additional information plus her own reading, especially of historical volumes, helped her to connect what she was shown in vision to events and places. UEGW 88.3