Understanding Ellen White


When and where she received visions

Ellen White received visions at various times of the day and night. Sometimes they were given at times that might have seemed to some as inappropriate or disruptive. Her first vision in December 1844 came unexpectedly during family worship in Elizabeth Haines’s home in Portland, Maine. Sometimes she would receive a vision as she was preparing to speak or while she was speaking to an assembled group. Probably her most important vision on the great controversy between Christ and Satan occurred on a Sunday afternoon during a funeral service at a schoolhouse in Lovett’s Grove, Ohio, March 14, 1858. About forty believers and other guests had gathered that weekend for meetings. After James White had finished his funeral sermon, Mrs. White felt urged by the Spirit of the Lord to speak about the coming of Christ and the resurrection. While speaking, she was taken off in vision. The vision continued for two hours, and the funeral service was disrupted. 9 UEGW 85.1

Often visions would come to her while she was praying. W. C. White remembered one experience he observed in Minnesota during 1870. James and Ellen White were conducting an unsuccessful revival service. First, James prayed and then Ellen. After praying for about two minutes, Ellen White stopped for about half a minute. W. C. White wrote: UEGW 85.2

I was kneeling with the congregation, and I turned to see what was the occasion of the silence. Just then she burst forth in prayer. Her voice was melodious, and triumphant, and the remainder of her prayer greatly moved the people present. During the period of silence, a revelation was given her regarding the condition of the Minnesota Conference, also conditions regarding the work in Battle Creek, also regarding other matters of general interest in the cause. UEGW 85.3

W. C. White observed that later she wrote “diligently” for two weeks to record what she had been shown during that half minute pause in prayer. 10 The point to understand is that Ellen White had no control over the frequency, duration, location, or content of her visions. UEGW 86.1