Understanding Ellen White

Give guidance for the church as a whole

Ellen White’s writings show God’s active involvement in the founding and organization of this church. Although she did not discover or introduce new doctrines, it is safe to say that without her prophetic guidance the church would never have become what it is today. Because of the unhappy experience that Millerite believers had with the organized churches (from which many had been disfellowshiped because of their belief in the Second Coming), they regarded church organization with great suspicion. Although there were many practical factors urging organization, it was the prophetic advice and counsel that empowered the process of organization. Ellen White urged that the guiding principle for organization should be mission. 37 The organizational principles outlined in her writings still motivate and challenge the Seventh-day Adventist Church not to settle into a rut, but to be willing to make bold changes and not to become an institution but retain our focus as a movement. In addition to this, the three principal ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church—publishing, health, and education—are a direct result of prophetic guidance through Ellen White. UEGW 249.1

Ellen White’s writings can also prepare us to face potentially divisive attacks from both within and without the church by showing the areas in which we as a corporate body need to be particularly vigilant, and by documenting, as case studies, doctrinal issues that have already rocked the church in its relatively short history. They not only provide us insights into the issues being faced, but they remind us of the spirit in which we should approach potential confrontation. 38 UEGW 249.2

Ever since the interruption of communication in Eden between God and humanity, God has been trying to bring us back into relationship with Him. Unfortunately, many still perceive God’s redemptive conversation as being irrelevant. At this crucial moment in Earth’s history, God’s end-time remnant has been blessed with the testimonies from God’s messenger, and, even a hundred years later, they continue to offer a critique of current attitudes and behavior, provide guidance, and always give hope by pointing to the only real solution to all of humanity’s problems. Ellen White’s writings lead readers to Jesus and magnify the plan of salvation, showing us that He is the only real hope in the crisis we face. UEGW 249.3

Perhaps the saddest reality regarding Ellen White’s writings is that many people do not even read them before deciding that they are irrelevant. Hopefully this chapter has provided just a few areas in which her writings have continuing relevance. Space does not begin to allow for all of the helpful contributions that she can make to our Christian lifestyle and walk with God. The only way to discover these is to read her for yourself. The invitation of a Kellogg’s cornflakes advertisement from a few years ago is even more appropriate when applied to Ellen White’s writings and ministry. So whether you are someone who has lived with her writings your whole life or a person who has never read her, the invitation is to “taste them again for the very first time.” 39 UEGW 250.1