Understanding Ellen White

Renew interest in the Bible

The first challenge to the relevance of Ellen White’s writings would be the why question. If Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible and the Bible only3 as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all lifestyle choices, why then would another prophet be needed at all? In answer to this question it should be noted that Ellen White’s writings were never meant to take the place of the Bible. Their relevancy lies in the fact that they were written to draw attention to the Bible. She saw her function as exalting the Bible and attracting “minds to it, that the beautiful simplicity of truth may impress all.” 4 UEGW 244.3

If in the nineteenth century there was a need to go back to the Bible—there is a much greater need in the twenty-first century as we flounder in a sea of secularism. The Bible still promises to provide a time-tested set of norms and principles for ordering both society and our lives. These Bible truths or doctrines were not invented by a particular individual. Various people were used to draw attention to or rediscover biblical doctrine. Ellen White never discovered or invented any of the Seventh-day Adventist doctrines. 5 They were discovered through a collective study of the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. She did, however, draw special attention to newly discovered doctrines. 6 These were put into the framework of the overarching biblical great controversy theme, around which she organized all of her writings. UEGW 244.4