With God at Dawn


He Will Redeem Us, November 19

Redemption Promised

I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments. Exodus 6:6. WGD 325.1

The central theme of the Bible, the theme about which every other in the whole book clusters, is the redemption plan, the restoration in the human soul of the image of God. From the first intimation of hope in the sentence pronounced in Eden to that last glorious promise of the Revelation, “They shall see His face; and His name shall be in their foreheads,” the burden of every book and every passage of the Bible is the unfolding of this wondrous theme—man’s uplifting—the power of God, “which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” He who grasps this thought has before him an infinite field for study. He has the key that will unlock to him the whole treasure-house of God’s Word. WGD 325.2

The science of redemption is the science of all sciences; the science that is the study of the angels and of all the intelligences of the unfallen worlds; the science that engages the attention of our Lord and Saviour; the science that enters into the purpose brooded in the mind of the Infinite—“kept in silence through times eternal;” the science that will be the study of God’s redeemed throughout endless ages. This is the highest study in which it is possible for man to engage. As no other study can, it will quicken the mind and uplift the soul.—Education, 125, 126. WGD 325.3

It was He who created the human soul, with its capacity for knowing and for loving. And He is not in Himself such as to leave the demands of the soul unsatisfied.... We need to clasp a hand that is warm, to trust in a heart full of tenderness. And even so God has in His Word revealed Himself.—Education, 133. WGD 325.4