The Retirement Years



Working as able on a book to take its place between PP and DA. The material, already written, needed to be put into shape. “When this book is completed, I shall feel that my work is finished,” She wrote. Longed for a visit from Edson and Emma, and longed to visit Portland, ME., once more. Left mid-March or a little earlier to attend important meetings in So. Calif.—Ministerial Institute, Union Conf. session, C.M.E. Constituency meeting. Gave several discourses, both in L.A. and Loma Linda, the last one reported being on April 18. RY 213.1

Spoke to teachers and students at P.U.C. May 4. Conserving most of her strength for work on the book on OT, from the time of Solomon to Christ. Spoke again at P.U.C. Sept. 7. At Loma Linda again Nov. 6-Dec. 6. During week of prayer spoke in Calistoga one Sabbath and at P.U.C. one Sabbath. RY 213.2