The Retirement Years



Apparently at home, laboring as able, during Jan., Feb., And most of March. It seems to have been during this period that she had 23 x-ray treatments for a black spot on her forehead, which was entirely removed by the treatments. Writing on the life of Paul. Left in late March for So. Calif., and attended Loma Linda board meeting in early April, and met other speaking appointments. Also labored in Riverside, San Fernando, Paradise Valley San., Glendale, and Los Angeles. Returned home late in April and spoke in san. chapel Sabbath, April 29; also at P.U.C. May 20, St. Helena May 27, and again at P.U.C. June 10. RY 212.1

Labored in camp meeting in Oakland July 6-16. Working hard to complete The Acts of the Apostles. Attended camp meeting in Long Beach, Calif, Aug. 10-20. Was wonderfully sustained when she gave her last talk at the camp meeting, to a very large audience “I felt that the everlasting arms were underneath me,” she wrote. Made a trip to Loma Linda at the end of Oct. and spent a few weeks there, attending important meetings. W.C.W. had been in the East for some time, and she met him in L.L. at this time. The Acts of the Apostles was published late in 1911. RY 212.2