The Retirement Years



At “Elmshaven” in early months, writing as able, and meeting local appointments. Attended second biennial session of Pacific Union Conf. in Healdsburg, March 18-28. Left St. Helena April 18, with Sara M. and Maggie Hare. Stopped in Mt. View to see land chosen for PPPA, then took train for overland journey, via L.A. Reached Washington April 24, and located in a comfortable house with her workers. Busy with counselling, speaking appointments, and writing. Gave dedicatory address for memorial church, May 7. Attended 2nd biennial session of Lake Union Conf. in Berrien Springs, Mich., May 17-25. RY 204.2

Went with Edson to Nashville; very weary, but spoke on Sabbath in Nashville church. Ill and unable to do much writing; spent a week on S.S. Morning Star with Edson and Emma. Visited in Graysville and Huntsville June 17-22; left Nashville for Washington July 6 and labored there in much weakness until August 10. Spent a few days at San. in Phila. and spoke in two tents pitched there. Spent 2 weeks in New England San., Melrose, Mass., taking treatments, speaking to nurses and helpers, and in the camp meeting a mile away. Improved in strength. Wrote often to Marian D., Ill in St. Helena San. Visited Middletown, Conn., and spoke 4 times at So. New Eng. camp meeting. (Marian D. died Oct. 25.). RY 204.3

In B.C. Sanitarium announcement, September 6, p. 8; spoke to patients, nurses, and helpers, and in tabernacle. Attended latter part of camp meeting in Omaha, Neb., And G.C. Committee council in College View, then returned for appointments in B.C. Sept. 28-Oct. 3. Left for Calif. Oct. 3, stopped in Reno for Sabbath, and reached her “Elmshaven” home Oct. 9. Left Oct. 28 for So. Calif. Met appointments in Fresno on Sabbath, then spent a few days in Hanford and assisted in meetings there and in Lemoore and Armona. In L.A. weekend of Nov. 3-7, and spoke in tent Sabbath and Sunday. In San Diego Nov. 7-28, ill and unable to do much speaking, but pleased with progress in preparing san. for occupancy. Visited Glendale San., Redlands, Riverside, San Fernando, and L.A. in early Dec., and returned to “Elmshaven” about Dec. 19 or 20. Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, was published in 1904. RY 205.1