The Retirement Years



At home busily writing and laboring locally much of the year. Deeply distressed over conditions in Battle Creek, and the falling of God's judgments. (The B.C. San. had burned Feb. 18, 1902, and the RH Pub. House on Dec. 30, 1902.) Had a vision of what might have been at the 1901 Gen. Conf. Labored in GC session in Oakland (and pre-conf. meetings), March 23- April 13. Carried burdens that taxed her strength severely. Was very weak following the conference, but continued to write, and prayed that there might be a “humbling of proud hearts before the Lord.” RY 203.3

Attended closing exercises of Healdsburg College and gave baccalaureate sermon May 30. Met with college board June 6 and 7. Spoke to teachers assembled in teachers’ institute at Healdsburg in Aug., and again visited Healdsburg and spoke before Calif. Conf. Committee, College Board, and Calif. Med. Miss. and Benev. Assoc. Greatly distressed over influence of Living Temple and Dr. Kellogg's apostasy. Education was published in 1903. RY 204.1