The Everlasting Covenant


Who are Israelites?

We learn also who are Israel. The name was given to Jacob in token of the victory which he had gained by faith. It did not bestow any grace upon him, but was a token of grace already possessed. So it will be bestowed upon all those who through faith overcome, and upon no others. EVCO 146.2

To be called an Israelite does not add anything to anybody. It is not the name that brings the blessing, but the blessing that brings the name. As Jacob did not possess the name by nature, so nobody else can. EVCO 146.3

The true Israelite is he in whom is no guile. Such ones alone please God; but “without faith it is impossible to please Him.” 1 So the Israelite is only the one who has personal faith in the Lord. “They are not all Israel, which are of Israel;” “but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” 2 EVCO 146.4