The Everlasting Covenant


Power with God and with Men

Now he could go forth to meet his brother. He who has seen God face to face has no need to fear the face of man. He who has power with God, will most certainly prevail with men. This is the secret of power. Let the servant of God know that if he would have power with men he must first be able to prevail with God. He must know the Lord, and have talked with Him face to face. To such the Lord says, “I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.” 1 Stephen knew the Lord, and held communion with Him, and the haters of truth “were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spake.” 2 What then must have been his power with those whose hearts were open to receive the truth? EVCO 145.2

Note well the words, “as a prince hast thou power with God.” It is not power against God, but power with God; that is, Jacob’s faith lifted him to God’s throne, and made him a sharer of His power. Jesus is to us “the power of God.” The man who would strive against God, has no strength at all, for power belongs to God alone; but he who will fully yield to God is invested with the Divine power. In him is God’s own power manifested. EVCO 145.3

In this story of Jacob, we learn anew how the inheritance which God promised to Abraham and to his seed is to be obtained. It is by faith alone. Repentance and faith are the only means of deliverance. By no other means could he hope to have any share in the inheritance. His whole salvation lay in his dependence upon the promise of God. It was thus that he was fully made partaker of the Divine Nature. EVCO 146.1