The Everlasting Covenant


Spiritual Rest

“God is a Spirit; and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.” 1 His rest therefore is spiritual rest, so that mere physical rest without spiritual rest, is not Sabbath-keeping at all. Only those who are spiritual can truly keep the Sabbath of the Lord. So long as Adam was led by the Spirit, he enjoyed perfect rest, both of body and soul; but as soon as he sinned, he lost the rest. But although the curse upon the earth causes weariness of body, the Sabbath still remains from Eden, the pledge and seal of spiritual rest. The abstaining from all our own work and pleasure on the seventh day—from everything by which we could personally profit—is simply in recognition of God as Creator and Upholder of all things—the one by whose power we live; but this apparent rest is but a farce if we do not really and wholly recognize Him as such, and commit ourselves fully to His keeping. EVCO 443.2