The Everlasting Covenant


A Blessing not a Burden

Let it not be forgotten that the Sabbath is not a burden which God lays upon people (whoever heard of perfect rest being a burden?) but a blessing which He offers them; it is the removal of burdens. “Come unto Me all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” EVCO 442.2

Instead of forcing it upon people, God says that it is impossible for anybody to share the Sabbath rest, if he does not believe. To the man who says, “I don’t believe that it is necessary for me to keep the Sabbath,” the Lord replies, “You cannot keep it; you shall not enter into My rest; you have no part nor lot in it.” It is impossible for a man to keep the Sabbath of the Lord without faith, because “the just shall live by faith.” The Sabbath is God’s rest, God’s rest is perfection, and perfection cannot be obtained except by perfect faith. Mind, however, that no one can claim perfection on the ground that he keeps the Sabbath day. God is the only judge of perfection, and so He alone can tell if one is truly a Sabbath-keeper. No man can judge another, and no man can say that he is perfect. God said that Job was a good man, but when Job went to talking about his own goodness, he was sharply reproved. When, however, he said, “I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes,” he was commended. EVCO 443.1