Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


They who Love the Law

Great peace have they that love thy law,
Them nothing will offend;
They’ll bear neglect, reproach and scorn,
Though without cause contemned.
PSAS 69.6

Their innocence will bear them up,
Though falsely they’re accused;
Their hearts will melt with love for those
By whom they are abused.
PSAS 69.7

The court of Heaven their cause will plead,
The innocent will clear;
Though men may load their names with guilt,
While they continue here.
PSAS 70.1

A consciousness of right within,
Great peace and joy afford;
How free, how happy, oh! how blest,
Communing with the Lord.
PSAS 70.2

He says revile not, when reviled,
Thy wrongs I will repay;
Be every burden cast on me,
I’ll be thy strength and stay.
PSAS 70.3