Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


Where Is Thy God?

“My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me. Where is thy God?” Psalm 42:3. PSAS 69.1

Through day and night my tears have been my meat,
Anguish and grief there find a blest retreat;
The spirit crushed, the heart with anguish riven,
Almost forgets there will be rest in Heaven.
PSAS 69.2

Dear loved one sleeping-sympathy, oh, where?
Is there no one who will our sorrows share?
The flowing streamlet, and the murmuring rill,
In ocean find a kindred spirit still.
PSAS 69.3

Do tears oft say; Oh! where is now thy God?
Submit to this and every chastening rod.
I’d calmly yield to every needed ill,
And learn to bear God’s visitation still.
PSAS 69.4

Not unaccustomed to the galling yoke,
Though oft uncalled for, I would bear each stroke;
Though wet with tears my pillow oft may be,
Still to the Lord for succor will I flee.
PSAS 69.5