Last Day Tokens



In the Advent Herald of Nov. 13, 1844, we read the following: “On that day the high priest, under the Jewish economy, made an atonement in the holy of holies for the sins of all Israel. As the law was a ‘shadow of good things to come;’ as the crucifixion of Christ, the paschal Lamb, ‘our Passover,’ was on that day, though not the hour, as some have believed, of the Jewish Passover; as He rose the first-fruits of those that slept, on the day the priest waved before the Lord the first-fruits of the earth for a wave-offering; and as the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost,-the feast of weeks; so we believe that our great High Priest, having entered into the holy of holies and sprinkled it with His blood, might come out of the same to bless His people on the day that this great antitype was shadowed forth by the observance of this Jewish law.” LDT 175.1

In the above extracts, we see how the Lord was leading the minds of His people to the subject of a sanctuary in heaven, and to the nature of the work that Christ, our High Priest, was there entering upon. In the type, the work of entering and coming out of the most holy place was accomplished in one literal day. In the antitype it was to cover years. As announced by the time message of Revelation 10, it is “in the days [years] of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets.” 7 He declared to Daniel that at the end of the twenty-three hundred days, “then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” 8 LDT 175.2

By referring again to the time proclamation in Revelation 10, we see that when the message is given, the people engaged in it will suppose their work for the world is then done. But they are told: “Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” 9 LDT 176.1