Last Day Tokens



In examining more closely the parable of the ten virgins, we notice that “while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” 6 While this work of arousing and exhorting all to be ready was in progress, the twenty-three hundred days ended. Those who were fully consecrated to God very soon received light as to the nature of the event that was to take place at the close of this period. Said they, “Christ has gone in to the marriage.” By faith they “went in with Him.” That is, their faith followed Him in the work upon which He had now entered. In confirmation of this, we find in the Voice of Truth of Nov. 7, 1844, this statement: “We cheerfully admit that we have been mistaken in the nature of the event we expected would occur on the tenth day of the seventh month; but we can not yet admit that our great High Priest did not do, on that very day, all that the type would justify us in expecting. We now believe He did.” LDT 174.2