Last Day Tokens



In 1838, Dr. Josiah Litch, of Philadelphia, Pa., published to the world an exposition of the seven trumpets of the Revelation, claiming, on the ground that a day in symbolic prophecy means a year of our time, that the Ottoman power would lose its independence on the 11th of August, 1840. The fulfilment of the prophecy at that exact date demonstrated to the satisfaction of thousands that a day in symbolic prophecy was a symbol of a year. Brother Litch said that after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1840, he had letters from over one thousand prominent infidels (some of them had been leaders in infidel clubs) who, on the fulfilment of the predicted fall of the Ottoman independence, renounced their infidelity, and accepted the Christian religion, and declared their faith in the word of God. LDT 151.2

Now, as it has been shown that 1840 is the date in the prophecy when the time message is to begin its “loud voice,” let us carefully review the facts. We have already seen that when we came to the sign in the stars-1833-we had reached the time when the Lord would raise up His teachers to teach the parable of the fig-tree; and to the time when He did raise up teachers in various parts of the world. By the publication of books, and in lecturing, they began to teach the people the parable, and that the coming of Christ was at the doors; but it was this side of August 11, 1840, that the public mind was so fully aroused, and the message increased to its “loud cry,” as may be shown by LDT 152.1