Last Day Tokens



The sounding of the sixth trumpet, as it closes with the independent rule of the Turk, brings us down to August 11, 1840. From that time until the close of the twenty-three hundred days in 1844, the time message was to increase to a mighty cry. The question as to the termination of the twenty-three hundred days in 1844 rested on the ground that a day in symbolic prophecy means a year of literal time. N. Colver, a theologian of Boston, Mass., said: “If these days are years, the world will end in [with] 1843; any schoolboy can see it; for if the four hundred and ninety days terminated at the death of Christ [more explicitly stated, A. D. 34], the twenty-three hundred days would terminate in [with] 1843; and the world must end, unless it can be shown that some other event is to take place, and I do not see how that can be done.” LDT 151.1