The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1

Lt 18, 1850

[January 11, 1850, Oswego, New York]1 1EGWLM 190.1

Letter to
Leonard W. and Elvira Hastings.
1EGWLM 190.2

This letter is published in entirety in Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 19, p. 128.

Earnest spiritual encouragement to close friends in view of the urgency of the hour. 1EGWLM 190.3

Dear Brother and Sister Hastings:

I will take time to write you a few lines. I earnestly desire to see you.2 I pray God to bless and sanctify you. I felt today the necessity of being all, all ready, that when the time of trouble3 such as never was, shall come, we may be hid. O my Brother and Sister, I wish all of God's people could get a sight of it as God has shown it me. The work of the Lord is going on. Souls are coming into the truth4 and soon the work will be all done. Keep up good courage, hope in God, let nothing weigh thee down. We have the truth. We know it. Praise the Lord. I saw yesterday our work was not to the shepherds who have rejected the former messages,5 but to the honest deceived who are led astray. I saw the [false] shepherds would soon be fed with judgment. Let the truth come out everywhere we go, the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord our God. Cheer up. There are better days coming. 1EGWLM 190.4

My love to your dear children. Tell them for me to have their lives hid with Christ in God, to have their hearts wholly given to God that they may be hid in the day of the Lord's anger. Pray for us and do write us and let us know how you get along. I am in haste or I would write more. Babe is cutting teeth6 and it takes nearly all of my time to take care of him just now. 1EGWLM 191.1

Love to Sister Gorham [Elizabeth Gorham],7 Bro. Gardener,8 and all the saints in New Ipswich [New Hampshire]. 1EGWLM 191.2

Your sister in hope. 1EGWLM 191.3