The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1

Lt 3, 1851

August 11,1 1851, Saratoga Springs, New York 1EGWLM 299.1

Letter to
Harriet Arabella Hastings.2
1EGWLM 299.2

Portions of this letter are published in Ellen G. White, Selected Messages, book 3, pp. 260, 261; idem, Last Day Events, pp. 286, 287.

Beginnings of publishing in Saratoga Springs, New York; vision on the importance of the Sabbath; problems in the Paris, Maine, band. 1EGWLM 299.3

Dear Sister Harriet:

I sit down by candle light to address you a few lines. We are all quite well and smart today. We have just been moving and are not settled yet. Last Tuesday we moved to Saratoga Springs [New York],3 and the same day that we moved No. 1, Volume 2 of the paper came off4 and we folded and wrapt them. Not having a table to wrap and fold on, we took a fireboard and put it on an old sink and made that answer; and by sitting up very late we got the papers into the mail next morn. 1EGWLM 299.4

Yesterday, which was Sabbath, we had a sweet, glorious time. The Lord met with us and the glory of God was shed upon us and were made to rejoice and glorify God for His exceeding goodness unto us. I had a deep plunge in the ocean of God's love. It seemed that the angels of God were hovering all around. The love of God was shed abroad in my heart, my whole being was ravished with the glory of God and I was taken off in vision. I saw the exceeding loveliness and glory of Jesus. His countenance was brighter than the sun at noonday. His robe was whiter than the whitest white. 1EGWLM 299.5

How can I, dear Sister, describe to you the glories of heaven, and the lovely angels singing and playing upon their harps of ten strings? Dear Sister, is not heaven cheap enough? 1EGWLM 300.1

I saw that we sensed and realized but little of the importance of the Sabbath, to what we yet should realize and know of its importance and glory. I saw we knew not what it was yet to ride upon the high places of the earth and to be fed with the heritage of Jacob. But when the refreshing and latter rain shall come from the presence of the Lord, and the glory of His power, we shall know what it is to be fed with the heritage of Jacob and ride upon the high places of the earth. Then shall we see the Sabbath more in its importance and glory. But [we] shall not see it in all its glory and importance until the covenant of peace is made with us at the voice of God, and the pearly gates of the New Jerusalem are thrown open and swing back on their glittering hinges, and the glad and joyful voice of the lovely Jesus is heard, richer than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, bidding us to enter, that we had a perfect right in the city, for we had kept the commandments of God, and heaven, sweet heaven is our home, for we have kept the commandments of God.5 1EGWLM 300.2

Dear Sister, after I came out of vision this world looked desolate to me, the views that God has given me have spoiled this world for me. Nothing here looks lovely. I rejoice with you that you have turned your back upon the world and are laying up for yourself a treasure in heaven, an enduring substance. Praise the Lord. 1EGWLM 300.3

Monday morn. You speak about going to Paris [Maine] and about our coming there again, and you meeting us in Boston [Massachusetts]. The Lord showed me about four or five weeks ago that we must not go to Paris again, that they had not appreciated our labors there, and that they would yet desire to see some of the servants of God in Paris. I saw that they had not heeded the visions that God has given them, and unless they did heed them they would pass through awful trials and judgments. 1EGWLM 300.4

I saw that Brother Stevens’ [Cyprian Stevens]6 and Andrews’ [Edward Andrews]7 families would have to die a greater death to this world than they ever yet have died. It is impossible for me to describe to you their present state. Their letters that they write you may appear to be spiritual and interesting, but they are in a dark place. They think a great deal too much of their appearance, and are proud and are much more devoted to themselves than they are to God.8 1EGWLM 301.1

Do not go to Paris. If you go anywhere go to Topsham, Maine, to Brother Howland's [Stockbridge Howland],9 the one that has the charge of my little boy Henry [Henry Nichols White]. You would meet a hearty reception from them, and Frances and Rebekah you could but love. Frances is 23, Rebekah is 16. It would not cost so much to go from Boston to Topsham as it would to go from Boston to Paris. You would be disappointed greatly if you should go to Paris. You had much better remain where you are. I write this to you in confidence, that you may know just how things stand in Paris. 1EGWLM 301.2

You ask10 respecting the ages of Brother Thompson's [Jesse Thompson]11 family. Betsey the eldest is 24, Sally, the next is 22, Nancy is 20, Mary is 12. They are very interesting girls and believe that we have the truth, and are willing to do all they can to help the cause. 1EGWLM 301.3

Brother Cushman [Horace Cushman]12 has four daughters. Two have been married and have children, but are now at home, their husbands being so opposed that they could not live with them, and they brought both of their wives to Brother Cushman's, and their children. They are very interesting women. The two youngest are 20 and 17. Margaret is 20, Anna is 17, I believe. Then he has another daughter married in the faith, and one son married and one unmarried. They are good children. 1EGWLM 301.4

Sister Thompson [Maria Thompson]13 reminds me of your mother; she looks much like her. Much love to Sister Gorham [Elizabeth Gorham].14 Tell her to trust wholly in God. He will take care of her. We received the two dollars she sent but are afraid she sent too much for her limited means. We received the four dollars that your father sent. One dollar was to go for the visions. I believe three for the paper. If this is not correct, please inform us. 1EGWLM 302.1

Much love to all the children and your father. Write us soon. 1EGWLM 302.2

In love. 1EGWLM 302.3


Picture: Ellen White's first book, published in 1851, described her conversion and earliest visions. 64 pp. Now found in Early Writings, pp. 11-78. Courtesy of James R. Nix.

Picture: Ellen White added two pages of explanatory notes to her first book in March 1853. See Early Writings, pp. 45, 85, 86.

Picture: A 48-page supplement was announced in the January 10, 1854, Review and Herald. Now found in Early Writings, pp. 85-127.