Love Under Fire

Blasphemous Boldness

One of the “priests” of the new order said: “God, if You exist, avenge Your injured name. I defy You! You remain silent; You dare not launch Your thunders. After this, who will believe in Your existence?”6 What an echo this was of Pharaoh's demand, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice?” (Exodus 5:2). LF 116.5

The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” And the Lord declares, “Their folly will be manifest to all.” (Psalm 14:1; 2 Timothy 3:9.) After France had renounced the worship of the living God, she descended into degrading idolatry by worshiping the Goddess of Reason, an immoral woman. And this took place in the representative assembly of the nation! “One of the ceremonies of this insane time has no equal for being absurd as well as insulting to God. The doors of the Convention were thrown open.... The members of the city's governing body entered in solemn procession, singing a hymn in praise of liberty, and escorting, as the object of their future worship, a veiled female, whom they called the Goddess of Reason. She was brought to the front, where she was unveiled with great pageantry and placed at the right of the president. People recognized her as a dancing girl of the opera.” LF 116.6