The Medical Missionary, vol. 15


September 19, 1906

“The Eastern Question. The Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet” The Medical Missionary, 15, ns. 12, pp. 98, 99.



BY reading and comparing Revelation 16:13, 14; 19:20, and 14:12, it will be readily seen that “the false prophet,” and the “image of the beast,” are one and the same thing—only under different symbols. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.1

The beast, we have found to be the papacy. An image of the beast can be nothing else than a religious system formed after the likeness of the papacy, espousing the principles of the papacy, and acting like the papacy. And if this thing, while being and doing all this, should at the same time profess to be opposed to the papacy, profess principles directly the antagonism of the papacy, bear the name that is suggestive of repudiation of the papacy, profess to be in fact the way of deliverance from the papacy—if it should openly profess all this, and at the same time be doing more than all other things together to confirm the papacy and to fasten it upon the world, then that thing would certainly very fittingly come under the title of “false prophet.” MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.2

If this thing should make pretensions and promises, and should set forth, as vital to its existence, principles, by which it attracted the attention of the world and mightily influenced the world, and then in action should falsify every pretension and promise, and should repudiate or violate its own vital principles, that would certainly answer to the description of “false prophet.” MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.3

We have found that the beast is the papacy. But what is the papacy? The most direct and comprehensive answer to this question is, The papacy is the union of church and state, with the Church supreme—the ecclesiastical superior to the civil power—and using the state and its power for her own purposes and to accomplish her aims in the aggrandizement of herself. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.4

An image of the beast would be a form of religion different from that of the papacy that would insinuate and exalt itself to dominancy over the state: make the ecclesiastical power superior to the civil; and would use the power of the state to further the ends and purposes of the church. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.5

Where, then, are we to look for the coming of this image of the beast, the rise of the false prophet? MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.6

Note that the scripture that tells of the rise of this thing, Revelation 14:12, says that it was said “unto them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast.” This being so, then this thing could rise, or be made, only in a place where formerly there had been no union of church and state. For where such a thing already existed, it could not be said to them that “they should make” it. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.7

Where, then, is the place where at first there was no union of church and state, and where it has been or is being said to them that they should make it? In all the world there is just one place, one state, one nation, where at the beginning there was not only no union of church and state, but also the actual and intentional repudiation of any such thing. That one place, state, and nation, is the United States of America. And in this one place, it has been, and is being, diligently said “unto them that they should make” a union of Church and State, in the very likeness of the papacy. And this is being said and urged by professed protestantism—protestantism that in truth is the direct opposite and antagonism of the papacy! MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.8

This movement and this thing is now most fully manifested, and is best discerned, in the Federation of Churches—of Protestantism—that was effected in New York City in November, 1905. The Conference in which was accomplished that federation, was confessedly Protestant, and was held in the interests of Protestantism. In the letter that was sent to the churches suggesting such a conference there are the following words:— MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.9

“In order to secure an effective organization of the various Protestant communions of this country for the practical ends indicated, we would suggest that a conference of representatives accredited by the national bodies of said Protestant denominations meet in New York City, November, 1905, to form such an organization as may seem proper to them.” MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.10

And further:— MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.11

“Let the church of Christ, in all its varied administrations, so affiliate as to form a bond of union that will enable Protestantism to present a solid front to the forces of evil, and in every possible way unite its activities for the spiritual conquest of the world, and the final triumph of the kingdom of God.” MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.12

It was therefore a federation of Protestantism and a Protestant federation, that was accomplished. And what are the “practical ends” to which this federation was formed? These were indicated more than once by the representative speakers in the conference, but they are more summarily and directly stated in the following words by one of the principal speakers:— MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.13

“I trust that one of the practical results of this Conference will be the organization of a force that law-breakers and law-makers will respect and heed when great questions of morals are involved.... It is our province in the name of our supreme King, and seeking the good of mankind, to ask rulers to respect the code of our kingdom. Rulers may ignore sects, but they will respect the Church. This Federation will compel an audience, and it will speak with power, if it will put aside its differences and make its agreement its argument.” MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.14

How this respect of rulers is to be enforced by the Federation is shown in the plan and operation of its practical workings, in that county federation of local federations was found to be “essential in order to bring pressure to bear upon the county officials for the suppression of the evils aimed at” by the churches; that a state federation was found to be essential “to bring to bear the pressure of the united influence of the churches of the state;” and national federation was not essential in order to bring pressure to bear upon national officials. And it was declared by the whole conference in its plan of federation that these practical workings of the Federation are to be made applicable “in every relation of human life.” MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.15

Plainly therefore, this federation of Protestant churches is directly to the intent that it by the ecclesiastical will, through the exertion of “the combined influence” of the churches, shall control the civil power. It was plainly and publicly declared that on a number of public questions that are civil only, as well as on questions that are religious or ecclesiastical only, and on these different classes of questions indiscriminately mixed, “the voice of the churches should be heard,” and that the “united and concerted action” of the church “is to lead effectively.” MEDM September 19, 1906, page 98.16

That is what this professedly Protestant federation proposes to do. That is what it has been created to do. And this under the name and profession of Protestantism! But such declarations, such purposes, and such procedure are distinctly the opposite of original and fundamental Protestant principle. In the original charter of Protestantism as such—the Augsburg Confession, Article XXVIII—it is plainly said that— MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.1

“The ecclesiastical power bestows things eternal, and is exercised only by the ministry of the Word, [and] it does not hinder the civil government any more than the art of singing hinders civil government. For the civil administration is occupied about other matters than is the gospel. The magistracy does not defend the souls, but the bodies, and bodily things, against manifest injuries; and coerces men by the sword and corporal punishments, that it may uphold civil justice and peace. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.2

“Wherefore the ecclesiastical and civil power are not to be confounded. The ecclesiastical has its own command to preach the gospel and to administer the sacraments. Let it not by force enter into the office of another; let it not transfer worldly kingdoms; let it not abrogate the magistrates’ law; let it not hinder judgments touching any civil ordinances or contracts; let it not prescribe laws to the magistrate touching the form of the state, as Christ says, ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ John 18:36. Again, ‘Who makes me a judge or a divider over you?’ Luke 12:14.” MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.3

When the professed Protestant churches federate in order to effectually “bring pressure to bear” upon public civil officials for the execution of the will of the combined church, this is nothing else than to “enter by force into the office of another:” and it is not Protestant, but is papal. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.4

When this professed Protestant Federation by the “combined influence” of the churches which it wields, or when any professed Protestant church, transfers the government—whether city, county, state, or national—from one party to another, or from one person to another, it does in principle and in effect “transfer worldly kingdoms:” and in so doing ceases to be Protestant, and is papal. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.5

When this Federation of professed Protestant churches frames bills, presents them to the legislative power, and swings the “combined influence” of the churches in lobbying and “pressure” to cause the will of the church to be enacted into law, it does in principle, in effect, and in fact, “prescribe laws to the magistrate:” and in so doing it is not Protestant, but papal. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.6

All these things this professed Protestant Federation has done, is doing, and avowedly intends to do. But all of it is specifically repudiated by the original Protestantism in the plain words of the original charter of Protestantism as such. All of it therefore is distinctly anti-Protestant, as tested by the very charter of Protestantism itself. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.7

When, therefore, this Federation, organized to do these things, does these distinctly anti-Protestant things, and puts itself thus on papal ground, and still professes to be Protestant, and poses as true Protestantism, it plainly falsifies its name and profession, violates the fundamental principle of Protestantism, and moves and works under a false pretense. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.8

And when this Federation that thus plainly occupies papal ground and does papal things—things which are in express terms repudiated by original Protestantism—and still professes to be Protestant; and while occupying distinctly papal ground, professes still to be on Protestant ground; and while doing distinctly papal things, still professes that these are protestant things; it completely falsifies Protestantism. It deceives the people who expect Protestant things from Protestantism, and thus stands plainly as a false prophet. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.9

Yet it is not enough to say that it thus reveals itself as a false prophet. By every consideration in the premises, and by the experiences of its actual workings, it will be found that it will demonstrate itself to the world as distinctly “the false prophet” of Revelation 16:13; 19:20, and 14:12. A careful study of the actual proceedings, the open statements, and the declared purposes of the Federation of Protestant churches, shows that in every feature it is the veriest likeness of the papacy. Facts of future development will demonstrate that it is indeed the living image of the papacy, and is the third element in the great three-fold development and final combination of apostacy designated as the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet. MEDM September 19, 1906, page 99.10