The Medical Missionary, vol. 15


September 26, 1906

“The Eastern Question. The Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet” The Medical Missionary, 15, ns. 13, pp. 108-110.



WE have seen that the Dragon represents paganism, which is the form of religion assumed in the first apostasy from God in the world. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.1

When the evils engendered and fostered by that false religion had brought the world to the brink of ruin, then God sent his Son Jesus into the world; and by him the true religion, direct from God, was again in its purity given to the world. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.2

But again there was apostasy. There was apostasy from this true religion from God revealed in Christ. This second apostasy developed the papacy. And when the papacy had whelmed the world in darkness, and had brought it again to the brink of ruin; then, in the principles and preaching of the Reformation and true Protestantism, God again made manifest his own true and pure religion. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.3

And now there is the apostasy again, from this true religion of the Reformation and Protestantism. And now how shall the true religion be manifested again, except in a protest against this false Protestantism? But when, in the interests of the true religion there must be a protest against professed Protestantism itself, then surely that must be well nigh the limit. There is only one further possible step; that is, that there should arise a movement of protest against this false Protestantism, and then this movement itself espouse false Protestant—that is, papal—principles, and in the interest of the true religion there should have to be a protest against this professed protest, against professed Protestantism! That would indeed, be the utmost limit: every application of the divine remedy would be exhausted, and the end would come. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.4

The first great apostasy was from the worship of the one true God, to the worship of many false gods—to mere naturalism in religion: and this is paganism, or “the Dragon.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.5

The second great apostasy was from Christianity to paganism: but still retaining the name and forms of Christianity: and this is the papacy, or “the Beast.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.6

The third great apostasy is from Christianity as revived in the principles of the Reformation and Protestantism, to papal principles and practices: but still retaining the name and forms of Protestantism: and this is the image of the papacy, or “the False Prophet.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.7

It is of importance to note the specific things in which all three of these apostasies are at one. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.8

First: The Union of Religion and the State. The religion of God is ever totally separate from any and all communication with the state. It belongs distinctly and exclusively to another realm than any to which any state can possibly belong. But God was forsaken. The true religion was abandoned; and paganism resulted. And with Nimrod, the founder of the first state, kingdom and empire, in the world, paganism became essentially identified with the state, and so remained until in that connection it was supplanted by the papacy. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.9

When Christ came and the divine religion was again manifested to the world, it was plainly and specifically separated from any and all connection with the state. But again there was apostasy; and through Federation and the dark intrigue of Constantine and the bishops, this second false religion became essentially identified with the State. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.10

In the principles and preaching of the Reformation and Protestantism, the divine religion was revived and again made known to all the world. In this revival of the true religion, true to its nature it was again plainly and specifically separated from all connection with, or any dependence upon, the State or civil power. But again there has come apostasy; and each particular phase of Protestantism, as it has been developed, has in its turn united with the State and has become a State religion instead of remaining the divine religion. And not through Federation again, all the remaining phases of professed Protestantism go about to crowd themselves in one body upon the State, to become identical with it and to be the dominating power in it, in the express image of the papacy. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.11

Now it must be borne in mind that the state is essentially of force. Whatsoever religion therefore that ever enters into any connection with the State has already in principle, and by that connection becomes in practice, a religion of force. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.12

The two essential elements that enter into the idea of the State are laws, and force. Any religion therefore, that ever enters into any connection or association with the state, has already become essentially a religion only of laws and force. And just as soon as from any religion there has been lost any shade of entire dependence on divine faith, divine love, and the divine Spirit, that very day that religion becomes only a religion of works, of laws, and of force: and is ready just then to seek connection with the state which is, and by which that religion becomes possessed of, the very crystallization of laws and force. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.13

Dr. Phillip Schaff has remarked that “civil power has proved a Satanic gift to the church.” It is a Satanic gift to any religion. Yet it is certain that in this Satanic thing, paganism, papacy, and professed and federated Protestantism are all three absolutely at one. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 108.14

Another thing in which these three are at one is— MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.1

The Natural Immortality of Man: or as usually expressed, The Immortality of the Soul. This theory is essentially pagan. It was one of the chief things received and held from paganism in the second great apostasy, that made the papacy. And, through John Calvin more than any other one, it has been perpetuated in professed Protestantism. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.2

In this thing there lies couched a world of mischiefs and deceptions. And yet in this thing, paganism, papacy, and professed Protestantism are essentially at one. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.3

Yet another thing in which these three are at one is— MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.4

Divine Honor to the Sun, instead of to God. This also is essentially pagan. Divine honor to the sun in the place of God has been the bane of all pagan nations in all times. From paganism it was brought over and retained in several forms by the apostasy that formed the papacy. But the chief and most lasting distinction that was given to it was in the exaltation of the Sun-Day—“The wild solar holiday of all pagan times”—in the place of the Lord’s Day—the Sabbath of the Lord. This too from the papacy is perpetuated by professed Protestantism. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.5

These essentially pagan things were exalted by the papacy as the most vital of Christian things. And to that same effect they are perpetuated by this professed Protestantism that develops the false prophet and the image of the papacy. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.6

Now these three great apostasies, holding in common these vital elements, it will be perfectly logical, and the most natural, thing, that they should form a three-fold coalition to the establishment of a world religion. Especially can this be expected just now when the ambition for a world-religion seems to permeate the very air. In bringing this about, there will necessarily be some concessions on the part of each; but with the vital points already held in common the necessary accommodations can be worked out as the crises may demand. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.7

And for all this the way is already paved. We have already mentioned the federation of professed Protestantism for the control of legislation and the State in the special interests of Protestantism. But it must not be forgotten that for several years already, there has been formed and in quiet operation a “Federation of Catholic Societies” for the same practical purposes, but in the special interests of Catholicism. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.8

Now, with these two powerful federations, in the same territory, working in many points for the same things, actually working together in some things, each often bidding for the favor of the other, but each always intently looking, and steadily working, for its own self-advancement—in view of all this can anybody think for a moment that there will not come actual approaches, accommodations, concessions, and final coalition? MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.9

This is certain to come, as between the papacy and this professed Protestantism that occupies so largely papal grounds. How stands the case as relates to the remaining distinct and separate paganism, in the Far East under the tutelage and leadership of Japan? MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.10

Here also, coalition with the others is fairly in sight. By Japan’s wonderful progress of late, and especially by her signal victories in war by land and sea, she has gained such favor in the eyes of the so-called Christian powers that they readily agree that she should be also “Christian.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.11

And Japan thinks just this herself. In the midst of their late war a book was issued in behalf of Japan by a Japanese scholar, and printed in English, presenting Japan’s side of the case, and bidding for the favor of the world. And in this book, Chapter V. under the heading of “Japan’s Burning Need,” this thought is presented as follows:— MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.12

“Can Japan fulfil this her heaven-appointed mission, apart from that Christianity which has done so much to make Europe and America what they are? It is impossible to think that there is no need for us Japanese as a people to join the other nations in celebrating with joy the coming and the work of Jesus Christ. Just as Japan has appropriated the material side of western civilization and grown strong thereby, just so she has need of assimilating the spiritual elements of that civilization to give character to her people. In other words, it is only by becoming Christian that she can fulfil her heaven-appointed mission.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.13

From this the writer proceeds to enlarge upon the following three propositions:— MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.14

“1. Japan needs Christianity in order to make a right use of her political and educational institutions.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.15

“2. Japan needs Christianity in order to successful colonization.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.16

And near the close of the Chapter there is the following remarkable observation:— MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.17

“Japan has already for the sake of the peace of the Far East formed an alliance with Great Britain; for the promotion of commerce of Manchuria and Korea she has joined hands with America. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.18

“This is surely a wise policy and a great diplomatic success. But to the complete fulfilment of her whole heaven-assigned mission, she must form an alliance with the Kingdom of God and be brought into sympathetic touch with Jesus Christ.”—“The Mission of Japan, and the Russo-Japanese War,’ pages 55-62. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.19

From this it is perfectly plain that Japan’s proposed alliance with Christianity and the Kingdom of God, is of a character entirely national and political: exactly as was that which made the papacy, and as is that of federated Protestantism. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.20

A distinct echo of this voice from Japan—even though unintentional—was given in President Roosevelt’s letter to the Conference on Federation of Protestantism in New York City last November. That letter runs as follows, italics mine:— MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.21

“MY DEAR DR. ROBERTS:—I have your letter of the 7th. Indeed, I remember very well the call of your delegation upon me and out talk upon the proposed meeting of the Inter-church Conference on Federation. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.22

I have the very highest sympathy with the movement; for instance, I feel that indirectly in addition to the great good it will do here it is perfectly possible that the movement may have a very considerable effect in the Christianizing of Japan, which I feel to be retarded by the divisions among ourselves and by the failure to recognize the fact that the Christian Church in Japan must of course assume essentially a Japanese national form. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.23

So you see, I have a very real interest in what you are doing to attend the meeting, as you request, but I regret to say that it is out of the question for me to do so. I am genuinely sorry to have to write you thus. Sincerely yours, MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.24


This letter proposes for Japan exactly the order of “Christianity” to which Japan is aspiring—a national, political “Christianity,” after the order of that of the papacy and of federated Protestantism. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.25

And now in the summer of 1906 Lloyd’s Weekly has published from Japan the following statement, which in its mighty significance is startling—italics mine:— MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.26


“A Parliament of Religions similar to that which met in Chicago during the World’s Fair is now in session in Tokio. The Roman Catholic Church and the various Protestant denominations, as well as the Mohammedans, are well represented in this congress. A committee to travel abroad for the purpose of discovering the true religion, the one which should be embraced by the Japanese people, was appointed by the Mikado of Japan seven years ago. This commission failed to carry out its purpose, but now the work has been resumed, and European governments have been notified to that effect.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 109.27

Japan has begun the search for a new religion; and she will find it. And when she shall have found it the vital points of it will be a political mixture of pagan elements adopted from Catholicism and Catholicized Protestantism, further mixed with pagan elements of her own, and all moulded into a new national, State-religion of Japan. She already holds the vital idea of State religion; she already holds in full measure the natural immortality of man; and since the risen Sun is already on the flag of Japan, it will be a very easy step from this to the adoption from Catholicism and Catholicized Protestantism, and the “Christian” nations, the Sun-Day as the sign of her new religion. MEDM September 26, 1906, page 110.1

And then, and thus, there will be presented to the world the curious spectacle of the second great apostasy (that made the papacy) having borrowed from the first great apostasy (paganism), these essentially pagan things; and having christened them, and the Catholicized Protestantism having accepted and perpetuated them; now these two apostasies handing back as Christian, to the original apostasy of paganism, these things that originally were, and forever are, essentially pagan! MEDM September 26, 1906, page 110.2

And when this grand three-fold coalition shall have been accomplished the result will be a truly world-religion, in which the papacy will be predominant, and which will be supported by all the great powers of the world. And all the great world-powers involved in this three-fold coalition of religions, will be united in compelling all the people in the world to conform to that world-religion, with the result that “all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 110.3

And just now as never before, and with such solemnity and power as never before, there is due to be preached “the everlasting gospel unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters... Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And... saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the Beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.... Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” MEDM September 26, 1906, page 110.4