The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Infidel Writers

“The way for such a Revolution was prepared by the writings of Voltaire, Mirabeau, Diderot, Helvetius, D’Alembert, Condorcet, Rousseau, and others of the same stamp, in which they endeavored to disseminate principles subversive of both natural and revealed religion. Revelation was not only impugned, but entirely set aside; the Deity was banished from the universe, and an imaginary phantom under the name of the Goddess of Reason, was substituted in its place.” 15 GSAM 80.3

In the year 1793 the views of the people were such that theatrical performers were loudly cheered for their blasphemous railery against God and the Bible. As a sample we quote: “The comedian Monert, in the Church of St. Roche [Paris], carried impiety to its height. ‘God, if you exist,’ said he, ‘avenge your injured name! I bid you defiance. You remain silent. You dare not launch your thunders. Who after this will believe in your existence?’ ” 16 GSAM 81.1