The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The Reign of Terror

The slaying of these Witnesses was accomplished during the “reign of terror” in France, from 1792 to 1795—three and one-half years. Although the French Revolution continued some six or seven years, it was during the first three and one-half years that they made their great effort to destroy the Bible, religion, and all who dared to speak in favor of either. While the French Revolution professed to be warring against monarchy and priestcraft, it actually became a war for the extermination of God and the Bible. Of the times just preceding the Revolution we read, “Never let it be forgotten that before the Revolution of 1792, the promoters of infidelity in France are stated to have raised among themselves and spent œ900,000 [$4,500,000] in one year, nay, again and again, in purchasing, printing, and dispersing books to corrupt the minds of the people and prepare them for desperate measures.” 14 GSAM 80.2