The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


The Pacific Press in London

During the year 1890 the Pacific Press Publishing Company, of Oakland, California, established a branch office at 48 Paternoster Row, London, and a printing office at 451 Holloway Road, London, N. The book sales from the office for the first year, at wholesale prices, were $9,556.89. GSAM 420.2

In February, 1895, Elder Robinson rendered the following report: “In Great Britain there are eleven churches, 363 members, five ministers, and one licentiate. The tithe for the past year was $5,077.20, or an average of $13.98 per member. The property of the publishing office is now owned and managed by the International Tract Society, Limited, an English corporation.” GSAM 420.3

In December, 1895, the Foreign Mission Secretary reported for Great Britain a membership of 560. The tithes had increased during the year $1,000. At that date, eight companies were meeting on the Sabbath at different places in London. GSAM 420.4

Thus the work in this mission field advanced, at times almost imperceptibly. Seeds do not spring up in some kinds of soil as quickly as in others. Their germination is slower, but their growth is surer and hardier. So with the truth of the third message in this kingdom. Its seed has been sown, taken root, and grown slowly till now it has reached comparatively large proportions. GSAM 420.5