The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Present Truth Started

In the early part of 1884, soon after Elder Butler’s arrival in England, it was decided to begin at Grimsby, with M. C. Wilcox as editor, an eight-page semi-monthly paper, called the Present Truth. The same is now being published as a sixteen-page weekly at London, England, with a weekly issue of some 18,000 copies. GSAM 419.4

In 1889, Elder Holser reported the British Mission as consisting of eight churches, with two hundred Sabbath-keepers, of whom sixty-five were in London. The tithe for the previous year was $1,244.58. There were two ordained ministers, two licentiates, two ship missionaries, and seven Bible workers. It was about this time that Elders Wm. Hutchinson and Francis Hope entered the English mission. GSAM 420.1