The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


A Sad Termination of Life

As to the outcome of these two men, it may be well to give some statements respecting their sad fate, that were made by their own brethren, “Age-to-Come” believers, with whom they were associated after leaving the Sabbath. Thirty-seven years ago Mr. Hall became somewhat demented (occasioned by softening of the brain), the cause of this condition being the loss of quite an amount of property by fraud on the part of others. He labored under the delusion that if he should go out-of-doors he would flatten out, or down to the earth. He is harmless, but, of course, for these long years has been entirely unfitted for ministerial work in any capacity. 3 GSAM 332.2

Elder Stephenson has been dead about sixteen years. For several years before his death he was of unsound mind (insane), though not dangerous to others. Before becoming thus, under the liberty which he supposed he had with the no-law theory that he had espoused, he left his own wife, a woman against whom no stain of virtue was claimed (he could get a divorce only by employing a dishonest lawyer), and married another woman much younger than his former wife. This act was such a flagrant violation of morality that his own “Age-to-Come” brethren discountenanced his course, and would not permit him to preach for them any more. GSAM 332.3

The statements of their own brethren respecting the last days of these men express the deepest pity; yet they are the unvarnished facts, which are given without malice or prejudice. With this we leave our readers to draw their own conclusion with reference to the physical application of the testimony. GSAM 333.1