The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Prediction Concerning Them

Nov. 20, 1855, Mrs. White was given a view of their course, with a prediction respecting its final outcome in these words: “Think ye, feeble man, that ye can stay the work of God? Feeble man, one touch of his finger can lay thee prostrate. He will suffer thee but a little while.” GSAM 331.4

Our opponents have said that here was a vision which declared that these men were soon to die, and as they lived for several years, the vision had not been fulfilled. There is nothing in the vision about their dying. They were shown in the capacity of men seeking to stay the work of the third angel’s message. While they were informed how easy a thing it would be for God to stop them, it is added, “He will suffer thee but a little while.” What did they do?-Instead of succeeding in their warfare, as they had expected, they seemed to be left to grope their way in darkness. In a few weeks they entirely gave up the Sabbath, and turned to oppose it. They had hoped to form an “Age-to-Come” party, with themselves as leaders. Instead of succeeding in this, by giving up the Sabbath they entirely lost their hold upon our people. Thus by their own course they completely defeated what they were first designing to do. Our people said, “Indeed, God has ‘suffered them but a little while.’ “ GSAM 332.1