The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Great Results from Smallest Means—D'Aubigné's Testimony

D'Aubigné, in his “History of the Reformation,” says, “God, who prepares his work through ages, accomplishes it by the weakest instruments, when his time has come. To effect great results by the smallest means, such is the law of God. This law, which prevails everywhere in nature, is also found in history.” 37 GSAM 33.2

When God, in ancient time, began choosing a special people in order to establish them as a peculiar nation for himself, it was by calling one man—Abraham—who dwelt among the heathen, in Ur of the Chaldees. From him sprang a numerous progeny; but of them, when exalted to the dignity of a nation, the God of heaven said: “The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people.” 38 GSAM 33.3

Then again, when he would deliver his people from their bondage in Egypt, he chose as their leader one who, in his infancy, was hidden for three months in his mother’s house, and afterward placed in a simple, rude ark composed of bulrushes and daubed with pitch, and committed to the keeping of the River Nile. This same Moses, however, was one who, when he came to years of understanding, chose the humble path of suffering with the people of God rather than the enjoyment to be found in the “pleasures of sin for a season.” 39 GSAM 33.4