The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Remember the Lord’s Leadings

In calling to remembrance the Lord’s leadings in the advent movement, it is well to note that it has ever been the design of God that his people should remember the manifestations of his providence and power in their behalf. In giving the reasons for the backsliding of Israel from God, the psalmist says, “They forgot God their Saviour, which had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea.” 35 If it was good for Israel to call to remembrance the leadings of the Lord with them, is it not good also for us? In ecstasy the psalmist again says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” 36 GSAM 32.3

In all ages the Lord has had important truths, calculated, by his grace, to lead out a people from the bondage of sin, and fit them for an entrance into the heavenly Canaan; and it is profitable to consider the dealings of the Lord with those who have proclaimed these truths. GSAM 33.1