The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Publishing in Rochester—Owning a Hand-Press

On May 6, 1852, the first number of Volume III of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald was published in Rochester, N.Y., and was printed on a press and with type owned by Seventh-day Adventists. Hiram Edson had advanced means to purchase a Washington hand-press, with type and material for fitting up the office. He was to receive his pay as donations should come in from the friends of the truth. That hand-press stood in the office of the Review and Herald at Battle Creek, Mich., until consumed in the fire, Dec. 30, 1902. It was at that time regarded as the best proof-press in the office. In Number 12, Vol. III, Oct. 14, 1852, an announcement was made that the cost of fitting up the office with this press and material was $652.93, and the receipts for that purpose up to that date were $655.84. Of these twelve numbers of the paper, 2,000 copies of each number had been issued and circulated gratuitously. GSAM 285.4